Archive - Quarterly enrolment by age group and population

These statistics are published on a quarterly basis.

Quarter 30 June 2024 

Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 8,924 45
19 17,415 91
20-24 89,503 95
Total youth (18-24) 115,842 87
25-29 94,586 98
30-34 97,536 98
35-39 103,134 99
40-44 103,025 99
45-49 97,227 .99
50-54 106,987 98
55-59 103,174 98
60-64 108,348 98
65-69 100,148 99
70 258,929 # 99.0%
Total 1,288,936 98%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on Estimated Eligible Population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2021 (revised) and 30 June 2022 (preliminary) based on the 2021 Census.  ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date using ABS citizen population trends, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.




# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating Estimated Eligible Population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.


Quarter 31 March 2024

Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 9,258 46.9%
19 17,145 89.7%
20-24 89,754 95.3%
Total youth (18-24) 116,157 87.3%
25-29 94,703 98.0%
30-34 97,775 98.5%
35-39 103,508 # 99.0%
40-44 102,726 # 99.0%
45-49 97,407 # 99.0%
50-54 107,381 98.4%
55-59 103,295 97.9%
60-64 108,478 97.8%
65-69 99,516 98.5%
70+ 257,304 # 99.0%
Total 1,288,250 97.7%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on Estimated Eligible Population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2021 (revised) and 30 June 2022 (preliminary) based on the 2021 Census projected forward to the relevant date. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date using ABS citizen population trends between 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021 based on the 2016 Census, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.   

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating Estimated Eligible Population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.


Quarter 31 December 2023

Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 12,259 62.7%
19 17,117 89.8%
20-24 89,726 95.0%
Total youth (18-24) 119,102 89.5%
25-29 94,726 98.0%
30-34 97,586 98.3%
35-39 103,730 # 99.0%
40-44 101,878 98.9%
45-49 97,339 98.8%
50-54 107,667 98.4%
55-59 103,292 97.7%
60-64 108,395 97.8%
65-69 99,166 98.6%
70+ 255,622 # 99.0%
Total 1,288,503 97.8%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on Estimated Eligible Population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2021 (revised) and 30 June 2022 (preliminary) based on the 2021 Census projected forward to the relevant date. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date using ABS citizen population trends between 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021 based on the 2016 Census, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.   

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating Estimated Eligible Population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.


Quarter 30 September 2023

Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 14,885 76.4%
19 17,102 89.1%
20-24 89,207 93.2%
Total youth (18-24) 121,194 90.2%
25-29 94,355 97.2%
30-34 97,249 97.8%
35-39 103,145 97.8%
40-44 100,947 96.4%
45-49 97,162 98.4%
50-54 107,503 97.9%
55-59 103,283 97.2%
60-64 108,065 96.9%
65-69 98,719 98.2%
70+ 253,865 # 99.0%
Total 1,285,487 97.3%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on Estimated Eligible Population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2021 (revised) and 30 June 2022 (preliminary) based on the 2021 Census projected forward to the relevant date. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date using ABS citizen population trends between 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021 based on the 2016 Census, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.   

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating Estimated Eligible Population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.


Quarter 30 June 2023
Quarter 31 March 2023
Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 10,519 54.9%
19 17,361 91.4%
20–24 88,584 92.5%
Total youth (18–24) 116,464 86.9%
25–29 94,611 97.7%
30–34 96,650 97.7%
35–39 103.,101 98.0%
40–44 99,296 98.4%
45–49 97,357 98.2%
50–54 108,251 98.4%
55–59 103,637 97.2%
60–64 107,377 96.8%
65–69 98,137 98.6%
70+ 250,695 # 99.0%
Total 1,275,876 97.1%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on estimated eligible population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2021 (revised) and 30 June 2022 (preliminary) based on the 2021 Census projected forward to the relevant date. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date using ABS citizen population trends between 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.   

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating estimated eligible population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.

Quarter 31 December 2022
Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 9,363 49.0%
19 16,806 89.0%
20–24 89,074 92.8%
Total youth (18–24) 115,243 86.0%
25–29 94,704 97.7%
30–34 97,072 97.8%
35–39 103,080 98.0%
40–44 98,568 98.4%
45–49 97,710 98.2%
50–54 108,054 98.3%
55–59 103,938 97.2%
60–64 107,169 97.0%
65–69 97,695 98.5%
70+ 248,851 # 99.0%
Total 1,272,084 97.1%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on estimated eligible population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2021 (revised) and 30 June 2022 (preliminary) based on the 2021 Census projected forward to the relevant date. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date using ABS citizen population trends between 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.   

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating estimated eligible population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.

Quarter 30 September 2022
Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 9,454, 49.4%
19 16,226 86.2%
20–24 89,120 92.4%
Total youth (18–24) 114,800 85.4%
25–29 95,118 97.6%
30–34 97,556 98.0%
35–39 103,420 98.3%
40–44 98,438 98.6%
45–49 98,520 98.2%
50–54 108,192 98.0%
55–59 104,450 97.2%
60–64 107,228 97.5%
65–69 97,672 #99.0%
70+ 247,644 # 99.0%
Total 1,273,038 97.1%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on estimated eligible population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2021 (preliminary) based on the 2021 Census. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date using ABS citizen population trends between 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.   

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating estimated eligible population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.

Quarter 30 June 2022
Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 12,844 67.3%
19 15,719 84.0%
20–24 89,373 92.6%
Total youth (18–24) 117,936 87.8%
25–29 95,101 97.6%
30–34 97,509 98.1%
35–39 103,246 98.1%
40–44 97,737 98.7%
45–49 98,762 98.1%
50–54 107,715 97.7%
55–59 104,663 97.1%
60–64 107,005 97.6%
65–69 97,291 #99.0%
70+ 246,178 # 99.0%
Total 1,273,143 97.2%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on estimated eligible population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021 (preliminary) based on the 2016 Census. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating estimated eligible population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.

Quarter 31 March 2022
Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 14,011 73.3%
19 15,203 80.3%
20–24 89,347 92.1%
Total youth (18–24) 118,561 87.8%
25–29 95,223 98.3%
30–34 97,413 98.4%
35–39 102,875 # 99.0%
40–44 97,249 # 99.0%
45–49 98,984 98.9%
50–54 107,206 98.7%
55–59 105,170 98.5%
60–64 106,395 98.6%
65–69 97,019 # 99.0%
70+ 244,928 # 99.0%
Total 1,271,023 96.4%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on estimated eligible population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021 (preliminary) based on the 2016 Census. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating estimated eligible population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.

Quarter 31 December 2021
Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 7,444 39.2%
19 10,648 56.3%
20–24 85,216 87.8%
Total youth (18–24) 103,308 76.5%
25–29 94,507 97.6%
30–34 95,925 97.0%
35–39 101,415 98.8%
40–44 95,664 # 99.0%
45–49 98,714 98.2%
50–54 106,104 98.2%
55–59 105,059 98.1%
60–64 105,535 98.2%
65–69 96,330 # 99.0%
70+ 243,041 # 99.0%
Total 1,245,602 96.4%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on estimated eligible population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2020 (revised) and 30 June 2021 (preliminary) based on the 2016 Census. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating estimated eligible population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.

Quarter 30 September 2021
Age group Total electors Enrolment rate *
18 7,524 39.9%
19 10,441 55.5%
20–24 86,476 89.3%
Total youth (18–24) 104,441 77.6%
25–29 94,263 97.5%
30–34 95,673 96.5%
35–39 100,770 98.6%
40–44 95,370 # 99.0%
45–49 98,943 98.1%
50–54 105,617 98.5%
55–59 105,222 98.1%
60–64 105,402 98.4%
65–69 95,958 # 99.0%
70+ 240,904 # 99.0%
Total 1,242,563 96.5%

* The enrolment rate is calculated by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) based on estimated eligible population using ABS citizen population figures for 30 June 2019 (revised) and 30 June 2020 (preliminary) based on the 2016 Census. ABS data is adjusted by the AEC and projected forward to the relevant date, then adjusted for British Subjects, those of unsound mind, overseas electors and new citizens since the Census.

# Enrolment rates above 99.0% are not reported due to error associated with calculating estimated eligible population which may overstate the actual enrolment rate.