Due to the resignation of a member of the council, a supplementary election will be necessary to fill the vacancy of Councillor in North Ward.
The voters roll for this supplementary election will close at 5pm on Friday 31 May 2024.
You are entitled to vote in the election if you are enrolled on the State electoral roll for the council ward. If you have recently turned 18 or changed your residential or postal address, you must complete an electoral enrolment form available online at www.ecsa.sa.gov.au
If you are not eligible to enrol on the State electoral roll you may still be entitled to enrol to vote if you own or occupy a property in the council ward. Contact the council to find out how.
Nominations to fill the vacancy will open on Thursday 27 June 2024 and will be received until 12 noon on Thursday 11 July 2024.
The election will be conducted entirely by post with the return of ballot material to reach the Returning Officer no later than 12 noon on polling day, Monday 26 August 2024.